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Bronze God

Bronze God

The Bronze God, also known as Paulo Vince Vertucci, was your everyday bodybuilder trying to get mad swole, when he accidentally fell asleep in a tanning bed, leaving his body so bronzed that he could reflect light off of his greased chest, blinding anyone crazy enough to look. Much like his skin tone, his overly expressive smile was the result of overuse and got stuck like that while posing for endless photos paparazzi photos after his newfound powers were revealed to the world.

Cat Lady

Cat Lady

The Cat Lady, also known as Miley Winkles, has the uncanny ability to tap into youtube and conjur up the cuteness (and fury) of the endless supply of cat videos therein. This may seem like a weak superpower, but it can literally hypnotize her opponents for hours, putting them in a CAT-atonic state, leaving them vunerable to her deadly claw attacks.

Invisible Kid

Invisible Kid

Many doubt the Invisible Kid's actual existence because he's never actually been seen. However, some use this very fact as proof of his invisibility powers. His real name and origin is unknown and he has never actually been spotted fighting crime but the League of Heroes swears by his abilities and claim that he is an integral part of their crime-fighting squad.

Fast Foodie

Fast Foodie

Some consider The Fast Foodie, aka Norman MacDonnie, to be more of the league manager than an actual super hero, but he has been known to save the day on numerous occassions when the league was in desperate need of a fast food fix. He is the authority of fast food. Some would say that his iron stomach more than makes up for his lack of "actual" powers.

Infernal Machine

Infernal Machine

Dubbed by many as a glorified washing machine or a poor man's Iron Man, The Infernal Machine has a lot to offer the League of Heroes. He can sum up mathematical equations almost as quickly as any modern calculator and can almost walk like a real person. Despite his strong points, he has been historically seen to be the League's weakpoint and they're constantly looking for replacements...

Errand Man

Errand Man

The Errand Man, also known as Timothy Pipp, got his start in the League as their errand boy when he was just 13 years-old. He truly believed that the day would come when he'd acquire super powers, but as time passed and he went from boy to man, his hopes were smashed and he sadly just became an Errand Man. He's really good at errands, though.